Mother and baby activities are very necessary for both pregnant women and new moms. It means that they should look for the proper baby activity centres. It is a good opportunity to meet other moms, to socialize with them, to exchange experience. When you are looking for such a centre, there are some standards to think about. Few criteria could be that the club to have funny classes' not too crowded, appropriate development for baby and knowledgeable stuff. Where are you going for your money, what facilities do they offer? Just follow both your interest and your baby interest.
First, there are some interesting "mother and baby activities" for the pregnant women:
- Mindful class is a birth workshop when you could exercise useful hypno-birthing and mindfulness techniques. Its focus is to show the way your mind can influence your labor time. You can learn how birth is something not to fear, but something to receive with gladness.
- Breast feeding support and coffee mornings meetings
- Infant massage it has benefits for both you and your baby; you can continue with gentle yoga to keep your body supple and healthy during pregnancy; this could prepare you physically and mentally for the childbirth and motherhood.
For the new moms, there are some clubs that include a class usually called "Mom Fit" - you can spend your time in the gym class or pool with your baby, you both making some exercises... everything looks fun. Exercises in pool are very useful and invigorating for all the main groups of muscles! There are best for the baby as her/he can discover his reflexes and use his hands and legs in a soft opposing environment. Another option is to choose a "baby massage class". You will quickly learn how to include the baby massage in your daily mother and baby activities, how to give your baby a full body massage and how to prepare her/him for the massage. It will be interesting to find when it is safe and not safe to give your baby the massage, which types of oils to use, the benefits of baby massage and more.
The power of touch through baby massage can be very effective. That baby not only receives the massage, but also the person giving the massage takes some benefits. These mother and baby activities can be of both a physical and mental nature. The massage is particularly beneficial to premature babies, those that have low birth-weight or special needs!
The benefits of baby massage for parents are:
- Both parent and baby can relax and enjoy a very special time together, establishing a good interaction and relationship.
- It promotes lactation in breastfeeding mums through the stimulation of hormones.
- It allows parents to understand better the non-verbal language of the baby; this contributes to build the baby's sociability.
- It can help with postnatal depression.
The benefits of massage for the babies are:
- It develops baby's first language - the language of touch.
- It initiates the baby in the positive loving touch.
- It develops her/his immune system and improves blood circulation
- The massage invigorates the muscles and the flexibility of joints; it also improves the skin condition.
- It helps to reduce the discomfort of colic, wind and constipation; it relieves teething pains
- Helps to regulate and aid better sleeping patterns and breathing.
- It can develop baby's body, mind awareness and coordination.
"Touch" is an instinctive, natural language that we can all speak and understand from our first months of life. It is the first language that we use and develop from the very moment we are born.
After having a baby, most mums, want to get back their body before baby birth, as soon as possible. Without a program of gym exercises, it is difficult to realize this. As the exercises options are very limited at home, the best is to adhere to a club with both outdoor and indoor fitness class! In these types of club, you can exercise while your baby stays alongside in buggy, enjoying the fresh air. What can be more relaxing and efficient? You can even stimulate your baby with some jogs in her/his stroller. You have the opportunity to do exercises targeted on your muscle groups affected by the pregnancy period. In the same time, you will strengthen and invigorate your body to prevent the aches caused by day-by-day mother activity.
As you can see, there are many mother and baby activities to do not only after the baby birth, but also even during the pregnancy. Of course, it is up to you, which type of activity to choose. Nevertheless, these are strongly recommended as they can improve the physical and mental stability for both you and your baby.