Sunday, December 25, 2011

More Milk Plus 8 Oz (Motherlove)

!±8±More Milk Plus 8 Oz (Motherlove)

Brand : Motherlove
Rate :
Price : $49.95
Post Date : Dec 25, 2011 16:32:36
Usually ships in 2-3 business days

More Milk is Motherlove's best selling product for safely and effectively increasing breast milk. Motherlove Herbal Company was the first to introduce herbal personal care and supplement lines specifically designed for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Since its conception in 1990, Motherlove has led the trend in holistic body care. Dedicated to consistent quality using only the finest, purest and certified organic ingredients, their time proven formulas are backed with integrity and wisdom.

This product does not contain any milk, dairy, egg, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, or gluten.

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Children Need to Respect "No" As an Answer

!±8± Children Need to Respect "No" As an Answer

Peace, quiet and children that behave - these are components of most parents' Holy Grail. The whining, fighting, tantrum-throwing antics of children in stores are often products of the parents' own making. There are ways to reign in the chaos. One of the best methods is discipline. Check out the following suggestions to right the family trip to the store:

No means no. Far too many times parents will give in to the relentless repetition of a request of a child. You've heard it. The little girl or boy keeps asking over and over and over, begging and pleading until mom or dad caves. As a parent, it is critical to realize that every time you give in, you just weaken your position for the next time your child wants something. The dynamic that is actually happening here is the parent ceding, or giving up, his or her authority to the child. In parenting, this is the kiss of death. Once you lose the position of authority with your child, getting it back takes a lot of work. Too many parents resort to yelling or punishments that are excessive to the issue at hand.

There are ways to keep control without being an ogre. For instance, if you are going to the grocery store with your child, have a discussion before you leave home about what is going to be purchased. It is always, always, beneficial to let your children have some input into what they would like to see brought home. This doesn't mean you have to alter your entire shopping list to mirror their requests (note: I did not say demands), but it does mean you'll have to be open to at least one item per child.

If your child pipes up in the store that he wants something not on the pre-planned list, remind him he had opportunity to choose this item before you left for the store. Suggest that he might want to remember that particular item next time. If he persists, it is important to employ a firm "no" that conveys the end of the discussion. If he still persists, let him know that he will forfeit his privilege of input on the next shopping trip. Lastly, if he continues to press the issue go to discipline. Discipline is not yelling and it is not always corporal (spanking). Discipline can involve training, self-control and mental toughness. Discipline is one of the most misapplied parental tools in the United States today and is another subject altogether.

Another option when the children are very young is to have them be on the lookout for certain items they will recognize. A favorite cereal or milk can keep the children focused on the task at hand. Too many times parents do not involve their children and somehow expect them to behave themselves while the parent searches labels and brands. One important fact about children is: they are influenced greatly by colorful presentations. Sights and smells in a grocery store are too much for an active child to overcome on his own. Manufacturers' marketing schemes are all geared to attract the eye, ear and nose. So engage your children. In addition, by involving your child you will also teach him how to shop well.

Older children who can read well can be given a list of items to retrieve. This offers you an opportunity to multiply yourself, making the shopping go faster, as well as the opportunity to teach them how to use overhead signage, the differing sizes of products, and how to manage money. Letting children know how much you can spend before going into the store can help you stay within your budget as well.

These suggestions can be applied to other stores as well. Remember, when you involve your children in the process of whatever you are doing, you diminish their distraction level to a more manageable level. You also teach them about what you are doing, and as an added benefit they tend to behave better. It may take a few more minutes preparation before you leave home, but the time and frustration you will save at the store are well worth it.

As with most everything child related, parents should remember children desire to be included. By taking the time to involve them, you will find less behavioral problems and a more tightly-knit family experience. Remember, when you have to do it, saying "no" to your children is not a negative experience. By saying no properly, you teach them a valuable lesson before the Big Bad World out there does it for you. This cannot be done as a once in a while venture; it must be a consistent effort on the parents' part. Nobody said parenting was easy.

Children Need to Respect "No" As an Answer

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to Love Yourself and Others

!±8± How to Love Yourself and Others

I am being taught via experience how to love those who walk a different walk and talk a different talk even in my own home and atmosphere. Loving folks where they are at because of what they accept as truth is extremely hard to do in your own space.

To take others into your place of comfort and joy is a real challenge that I do not always feel up to. I enjoy the company of the ones who think,act and live like me. But hang on tight to the peace that passes all understanding from Jesus, the Prince of Peace in order to fulfill His command to love. Love is an action word and a choice you make. You must love others in their happening place.

Real love of the God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost kind is needed to accomplish our Saviors command. To pick and to choose who we will have in our presence requires real love's wisdom. As three generations occupy our 5 bedroom,3 bathroom house I constantly have to pray 'hey Lord'.
When they bring home a straying teen to help her I think I missed something with the Lord about strangers possibly being angels unawares. She fits in and gets us laughing daily.

To share all that you possess or have all things in common is a very shocking eye opener of the selfishness that lingers in your heart even after 40 some years as a christian. You have to love yourself at this point.

Is nothing sacred you hear your heart crying? No dog has lived in our home for more than 20 years. Suddenly my homeless ones show up with 6 dogs. They sell some and use the money to pay vet bills as the mother dog fell ill and had to be put down ( a heart wrenching time).You really have to love them in this dilemma.

Husband is not a great dog person unless the animal is well-trained and mannerly. Puppies tend to create disasters in the garage, house, yard and car. My darlings patience was being tried for sure. Now we are down to one that I care for daily as her master got a day job out of necessity as she has 4 kids relying on her and grandpa. But you gotta love them where they are at.

My time is no more. I snatch bits and pieces in minutes and seconds to do stuff like this writing or call my 94 year-old mom to help her cope with being elderly. Reverting back to my kids' school days by picking up sick grandkids or being home before the bus lands is kind of deja vu. But love loves them where they are at.

Time flies now as meal preparation takes a little more thought and care with 9 mouths,9 appetites,9 billion taste buds to satisfy and a dog and cat to feed. The grocery budget went out the window on that account. Anyone of us making a living with a job picks up milk, eggs and bread often.

My sister Gerry just reminded me of the Lord's word to me about 2010. Tremendous was the word and tremendous it is.We must expect largely. We can receive all that He has for us in a big, colossal way. Tremendous love is at work among us and I love how He loves each one of us right where we are at.

How to Love Yourself and Others

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Part 1 - A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Chs 01-10)

Part 1. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mark Nelson. Playlist for A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs:

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What Type of Mother and Baby Activities to Choose?

!±8± What Type of Mother and Baby Activities to Choose?

Mother and baby activities are very necessary for both pregnant women and new moms. It means that they should look for the proper baby activity centres. It is a good opportunity to meet other moms, to socialize with them, to exchange experience. When you are looking for such a centre, there are some standards to think about. Few criteria could be that the club to have funny classes' not too crowded, appropriate development for baby and knowledgeable stuff. Where are you going for your money, what facilities do they offer? Just follow both your interest and your baby interest.

First, there are some interesting "mother and baby activities" for the pregnant women:

- Mindful class is a birth workshop when you could exercise useful hypno-birthing and mindfulness techniques. Its focus is to show the way your mind can influence your labor time. You can learn how birth is something not to fear, but something to receive with gladness.

- Breast feeding support and coffee mornings meetings

- Infant massage it has benefits for both you and your baby; you can continue with gentle yoga to keep your body supple and healthy during pregnancy; this could prepare you physically and mentally for the childbirth and motherhood.

For the new moms, there are some clubs that include a class usually called "Mom Fit" - you can spend your time in the gym class or pool with your baby, you both making some exercises... everything looks fun. Exercises in pool are very useful and invigorating for all the main groups of muscles! There are best for the baby as her/he can discover his reflexes and use his hands and legs in a soft opposing environment. Another option is to choose a "baby massage class". You will quickly learn how to include the baby massage in your daily mother and baby activities, how to give your baby a full body massage and how to prepare her/him for the massage. It will be interesting to find when it is safe and not safe to give your baby the massage, which types of oils to use, the benefits of baby massage and more.

The power of touch through baby massage can be very effective. That baby not only receives the massage, but also the person giving the massage takes some benefits. These mother and baby activities can be of both a physical and mental nature. The massage is particularly beneficial to premature babies, those that have low birth-weight or special needs!

The benefits of baby massage for parents are:

- Both parent and baby can relax and enjoy a very special time together, establishing a good interaction and relationship.

- It promotes lactation in breastfeeding mums through the stimulation of hormones.

- It allows parents to understand better the non-verbal language of the baby; this contributes to build the baby's sociability.

- It can help with postnatal depression.

The benefits of massage for the babies are:

- It develops baby's first language - the language of touch.

- It initiates the baby in the positive loving touch.

- It develops her/his immune system and improves blood circulation

- The massage invigorates the muscles and the flexibility of joints; it also improves the skin condition.

- It helps to reduce the discomfort of colic, wind and constipation; it relieves teething pains

- Helps to regulate and aid better sleeping patterns and breathing.

- It can develop baby's body, mind awareness and coordination.

"Touch" is an instinctive, natural language that we can all speak and understand from our first months of life. It is the first language that we use and develop from the very moment we are born.

After having a baby, most mums, want to get back their body before baby birth, as soon as possible. Without a program of gym exercises, it is difficult to realize this. As the exercises options are very limited at home, the best is to adhere to a club with both outdoor and indoor fitness class! In these types of club, you can exercise while your baby stays alongside in buggy, enjoying the fresh air. What can be more relaxing and efficient? You can even stimulate your baby with some jogs in her/his stroller. You have the opportunity to do exercises targeted on your muscle groups affected by the pregnancy period. In the same time, you will strengthen and invigorate your body to prevent the aches caused by day-by-day mother activity.

As you can see, there are many mother and baby activities to do not only after the baby birth, but also even during the pregnancy. Of course, it is up to you, which type of activity to choose. Nevertheless, these are strongly recommended as they can improve the physical and mental stability for both you and your baby.

What Type of Mother and Baby Activities to Choose?

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Early breast agriculture FAQ 2 OF 3

I would like to apologize for being so long winded! Sorry that this is in 3 parts but I hope you learn some things from it and stay breastfeeding!! Which is the most important job you have right now. :) Let me know if you have any other questions OR a request for more information on some thing I didn't touch on. Be Blessed, enjoy your new little one and remember.. You CAN do it, and It does get easier, I PROMISE!! Check out my site for some adorable covers, and thank you for supporting a WAHM! =) Hugs ~ Kye Lansinoh Info. My favorite breast pump; Milkies Nursing Covers My breast friend:

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mother and Daughter Expressing Their Love By Presenting Gifts

!±8± Mother and Daughter Expressing Their Love By Presenting Gifts

Daughters feel happy when they are giving gift to mom on mother's day. Even though they both are not expecting, it shows their love and affection when exchanging the gifts. The gifts shared between them can be of challenging, filled with lots of fun and surprise. Moms can also give gifts for their daughters during marriage, pregnancy etc.

Mother and daughter gifts ideas can be of the following:

· Matching family pajamas
· Mother- daughter outfits
· Mother- daughter jewelry
· Mother- daughter clothing that says how she feels
· Mother -daughter robes and spa bath wraps

Likes and choices - in buying gifts:

In some cases they share some useful and valuable gifts or it can even be what they wished and longed to buy. A small piece of jewellery must be appreciated because of its elegance and simplicity. While buying these kinds of things they should consider the likes and choices of each other. Gifts show the thoughtfulness, creativity, and the care on them.

Forgetting results in remembrance:

Many mothers forget their birthday and wedding day due to tension or some other reason. They get chance to remember when receiving gifts and feel happy, proud when getting gifts from their children. Here sons and daughters are appreciated for their remembering capacity. The most valuable gifts in between them is, respecting their views and ideas, accepting their advice, helping, obeying, sharing personals etc. Both should act as 'good friends'.

Love between mom and daughter:

Valentines Day is not only meant for lovers, it suits for all kinds of relations, so mom and daughter can share even a single rose on that day between them to express their love. It creates an atmosphere to share their treasured memories. We know that "God Is love", now we can change it as "Mom Is Love".

Various gifts sharing among mother and daughters are:

· Greeting cards
· Books and Poetry gift
· Creative drawing and painting
· Jewelry, costumes, cosmetics
· Dolls made with plastic, ceramic, glass, wood, fur etc
· Childhood photos with albums
· Music CDs

Mother and Daughter Expressing Their Love By Presenting Gifts

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